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Blog tagged as business

Delegating: Expense or Money Maker?

Many of us have been in this situation before; our to-do list keeps piling up but the hours in the day do not. Over and over we try to squeeze it all in. We end up overwhelmed and stretching ourselves too thin. Sometimes it’s just not possible to wear all the hats but prioritizing and delegating can...

11-17-18 12:54 AM - Comment(s)
Dominate Delegating

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the vast quantity of tasks that we must do from day to day.  When everything feels important it can be hard to decide what tasks you should hand off and how to even begin doing that. At first sight, delegation can feel like more hassle than...

11-17-18 12:54 AM - Comment(s)
Considering a Virtual Assistant? Don't.
If you talk to any entrepreneur or small business owner, they’ll tell you the same thing; the more the business grows, the more the to-do list grows. The growth keeps them fighting through late nights and early mornings, as they see their vision take shape and become positioned to take off.
11-17-18 12:54 AM - Comment(s)