YourChoice Concierge



Blog by Stephanie

To-Dos & Technology
What techniques are you using to manage your tasks and time? Using up-to-date technology can automate your processes, keep your to-dos organized and allow you to collaborate with ease.
07-28-19 09:36 PM - Comment(s)
We're List Lovers—And You Should Be Too

We've had a lot of people ask us how we keep up with our tasks and to-dos on top of everyone else's. We don't have to think twice; the answer is our lists! It would be nearly impossible to remember everything we have to accomplish if we didn't write it down. Of course in the booming age of tech...

06-10-19 10:23 PM - Comment(s)
Setting and Achieving Goals

Setting goals is easy. Actually achieving those goals isn’t so easy. People choose to set goals for a multitude of reasons. Some goals are set to help people achieve lifelong dreams and other goals are set for short term motivation. No matter what the reason is, setting goals is proven to help peopl...

06-10-19 10:23 PM - Comment(s)
Fact: It Takes Time to Save Time
Time is like money: you have to spend it to make it. Both are a finite commodity, so careful stewardship of your time is just as important as planning how to spend your money. In that respect, think of delegating as a necessary expense. Setting up a system to delegate tasks and responsibilities...
06-10-19 10:23 PM - Comment(s)
Bend, but Don't Break: Flexibility in the Workplace

Flexibility and autonomy in the workplace are neither easily measured nor quantifiable. However, they can pay both the company and the employee huge dividends. Two areas where organizations can quickly institute some flexibility are work location and work hours. Providing employees the freedom ...

06-10-19 10:23 PM - Comment(s)