YourChoice Concierge

Lighten Your Load by Letting Go

06-10-19 10:23 PM Comment(s)

Lighten Your Load by Letting Go

I’m going to throw it out there – the dreaded D word. No, not that one. I’m talking about DELEGATING. It certainly is not something that most of us know how to do naturally. And it takes time, patience, and practice to learn how to do it well. Everyone has their reasons for not delegating:
  • Maybe you think you can do the work better than anyone else
  • You worry that delegating will simply draw out the timeline on task completion
  • Delegating might end up being double work for you if not done correctly
  • You assume you will spend more time checking and approving the work done by someone else
  • You don’t have time to make a list of tasks to hand off to someone, let alone the time to find someone to give the list to
YourChoice Concierge
However, when you fail to delegate, all you really achieve is making your own life harder. The art of delegation is a delicate balance of investment and ROI (return on investment). Investing a few hours in the first month of set up will end up saving time, reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve your overall quality of life in the months that follow. 

The old cliché, “do what you do best and outsource the rest” has been attributed to many sources over the years(1,2). But no matter who said it first, they were all aligned in theory: focus on utilizing your talents and let another person (with other talents) handle everything else. This is true for any industry, whether you own a marketing firm, or are a private practice lawyer, or run your own Etsy shop. Think about it – if asked, most people would say they were good at Math or English, but certainly not both(3). The same is true for the business world. It’s quite rare to find someone who is good at all aspects of running a business. (I’ve never met a graphic designer who thoroughly enjoyed doing their taxes.)
Luckily for you, companies like YourChoice Concierge serve as a delegating hub for tasks that are paramount to running a successful business. It’s important to trust the person you’re delegating to, which is why YourChoice Concierge develops a partnership between you and our Concierges. We take a consultative approach to your (enormous!) to-do list and determine your pain points to create a structured plan for making the most of your time. An objective third party like this can more clearly see which tasks erode your productivity and also encourage what you need to focus on as the expert in your field.
YourChoice Concierge
The only way to grow your business is to get more done. Unless you can create more hours in the day (or is cloning an option now?!), you’ll need a trusted partner to help develop a delegation plan. Start small, delegating simple tasks, and gradually work your way up to handing off larger projects. This gives you the chance to see what works on a small scale with minimal investment. Over time, delegating will get easier.

Please contact us. We are ready to help you with BOTH personal and professional tasks. We can show you how to maximize your time by entrusting a Concierge today to see results tomorrow.
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