YourChoice Concierge

Fact: It Takes Time to Save Time

06-10-19 10:23 PM Comment(s)

Fact: It Takes Time to Save Time

Time is like money: you have to spend it to make it. Both are a finite commodity, so careful stewardship of your time is just as important as planning how to spend your money. In that respect, think of delegating as a necessary expense. Setting up a system to delegate tasks and responsibilities doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does need to be effective in order to realize a return on the time you’ve invested in setting up the system in the first place.

Think of the following items as necessary expenses when creating your delegation plan: 

•Proper task planning and set up
•Documenting detailed instructions (whether written or tutorial-style videos)
•Providing adequate training; committing time for follow-up questions and instructions
•Taking time to progress through learning curves; patience involved in working through struggles
•Giving productive feedback to improve processes
YourChoice Concierge

These things certainly aren’t free because your time is worth a specific hourly rate to both you and your customers. But perhaps spending just five hours a month on these types of things translates into 20 hours you don’t have to spend doing the same things next month. You could spend those 20 hours on billable services, and then not only are you saving money, but you’re earning it at the same time. (Here’s a radical idea: You could even spend some of those saved hours on some much-needed downtime. Who doesn’t need downtime these days?)

When you're a business owner, it's tempting to do it all yourself. One of the hardest challenges an entrepreneur faces is learning to put their trust in others so their business can succeed. Trusting someone with critical tasks isn’t easy. You need to form a partnership with your task master. A successful partnership is one where each party holds the other accountable to providing responses, generating ideas, and meeting deadlines.

YourChoice Concierge (YCC) takes a project management approach to your tasks. A Concierge from YCC is more than an employee. Your Concierge is your trusted partner. They help you develop a plan to delegate effectively and efficiently from the start. They look at what you do with a fresh perspective, including why you do it, and suggest solutions for doing it better, smarter, and faster. The best part: every hour you hand over to your Concierge is a few more hours for you. That’s a smart return on your investment.

Please contact us. We can show you how to maximize your time by delegating to a Concierge today. You could see results tomorrow.
